My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday FOMC no other news

Had a big day yesterday and no news today so stayed on the sidelines for snatch cause of FOMC also later tonight.. good day to take off. but i was just observing did take a NY snatch though and lost (as per my rules said I would)

EUR gbp bottom of the box was 32 previous low was 27 and it closed on 27 we didnt take it and the next candle dojied and then it reversed, close just inside the box and then it shot up and got a long outside it gave 17 then stop at BE got stopped by 1 pip then went and gave (30)

NY gbp again should not have taken it

Lesson: Dont trade FOMC

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday UK Trade Balance

EUR gbp got to (25) and put stop at BE. and got hit. Then had a close inside that got to the other side (20) then a close outside before news and that droped 20 before news and then got (120) into the ny session eur went to 10 then closed back inside then went back to BE and then closed on the line gave bout (60) into the ny session

NY eur got (20) gbp (50) nice and easy chf (20)

Lesson: Start taking all trades with smaller lots though for everything from now on, I also didnt close out the Eur and held on and that stuffed up GBP thought next time close the secondary pair when sure she isnt following through.

Friday NFP stuff up

came out 51 v 125 but the revised was 188 v 128 and the market
spiked bout 50 and then tanked made about a 10 pp retrace on a 15min
candle close and then just went and went down and down

EUR no trades cause NFP

NY preNFP eur short stopped out on NFP spike gbp had a long got
(40) before NFP or (90) with NFP spike

NY postNFP gbp close inside the box short (70) and a (35) on the
outside chf 30 in 15mins and then (60) after 2hrs jpy (95) after 90mins made a flag inbetween eur outside short (60) in 1hr

If took all snatches got 20-30 off the first candle that formed then
had to wait 1hr for a flag to form then got another 20-30 on each.


Market was dead waiting till the rates

ECB expected to raise
BOE expected not to
22:30 trichet spoke to

EUR gbp entry 5hrs before news got (90) after news

NY eur long 30 mins before speech next candle rejected fell inside close inside got (20) but had to go outside and got (10) on that trade so BE really gbp shorting on break of previous low gave bout (90) or taking the short (but the candle was 40 pips) but stop still inside gave (60) chf exactly (20)

whatever you did pretty much worked

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday No News

Another quiet day waiting for EU and UK interest tomorow and NFP on friday .

EUR eur entry was just above a channel and we didnt take it, it broke the channel and gave (40) holding just until ny open gbp was going to take a short on the break of the daily low but i missed it by 5 secs and it fell and gave (20) the short signal then gave another (20) just into NY open

Lesson: If support/resistance is nearby you dont have to enter, but when it breaks that enter 1 pip under for sure

Tuesday No news

There was no major news at all and there was 2 snatches that didnt work and lost the market was stuck in a 40 pip range all day .

Monday No News stuff up

Again stuffed up and traded on a monday and got my ass kicked big time..

ISM (52.9 v 53.5) came out but it got leaked 45 mins before and gave bout 100 pips on the gbp wasnt even that bad a number but the rumour was that it was 50

1. traded to big before news
2. started messing around with my stop
3. removed half my stop
4. didnt close out at right spot
5. who cares ur never making this mistake again so it doesnt matter

EUR gbp had a short before news it lost (-30) eur had a later entry at 20:00 and it carried into NY and got (60)

NY gbp easily (90) before news then another (50) after news eur nice easy (50) chf (50) jpy (50)

Lesson: Never ever ever move ur stop!


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