My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday UK Nationwide Housing CAD GDP US COre PCE

lots and lots of news today and speeches.
18:00 there was UK housing came out every high and gbp took off

EUR - gbp gave (28) and broke out to 14yr highs I thought it was going to shoot off and we were in business to R2 but it stopped at a midpoint and reversed stop should have gone to BE but I just forget to change it was paying for attention to calling the trade and it fell hard went to -20 also got greedy in that should have taken 30 off the table right? chf got to a mid point and then reversed but it got 8 & then reversed maybe should have gone to (BE) at Mid point? eur same thing got 9 pips and then it reversed (BE)

Ok so GBP I stuffed up and made greed & then a stop error. Chf maybe go to BE there wasnt any USD or CHF news so the idea was 10 and we didnt get that so I'm leaving it open. Same with Eur although if I had a better entry I would have had 10. I closed my eyes and got in as soon as candle closed.

Update gbp came back to 14 eur 6 chf kept going -15
Update gbp broke out (40) eur (20) chf never got more then (5) and closed it at same time

you got LUCKY with the gbp, then again you had euro open and you closed euro early (fear?) should have just left it open with the limits

Lots of NY news and CAD tried out autoclick and its frikkin awesome! Also PMI was leaked 10 seconds early and geave entries for NY session

NY eurcad before news got to (25) after news then it went to BE and then it went up 100 pips cad after news went long and it never gave anything could have closed at (BE) at anytime
chf before news it got (20) and then it did another 60 after news gbp broke out 2 seconds before the news break (it was leaked) shoudl have really taken this and it did a solid (50) 1 doji and then another 40 odd chf yen easy short after news (20) eur stop was outside box

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday GDP New Home sales

There was some UK news in the arvo snatch broke out before against the trend short but I had a feeling it was due for a pullback so took a position with tight profit target. News didnt move the pair.

EUR - gbp got to 8 then BE then 20 and then straight to PP (30) and reversed straight off PP to the entry. perfect exit chf same time targeted the R1 pound reversed before it was hit so took (15) 10mins later it went and hit R1 and reversed of that eur 1 candle later and took a while but got (20)

GDP came out and chinese finger trapped us told me to just stay out the market, housing was also a no trade did cause a small USD rally

GBP - chf after the finger trade got a slight long stopped out next two candles (-30) then taking the reversal (-30) i didnt take the trade

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday US Durable Goods Consumer Confi Existing Housing

No gbp or euro news there was some M3 later in the day.

EUR - 19:00 big gbp candle closed out side the others only spike out side got up to R1 straight away (26) then retraced to BE and then went back up and hit previous high 5 pips above R1

I fell asleep woops and missed the news Durable came out really bad and hit triggers and confidence and existing conflicted

NY gbp close after news got to 10 then got to BE then got to (20) then to 10 then to 30 just before next news, other news made it fall. good to get out chf there was a long against the trend later in the day barely got 10 but then lost

Monday Gap

market closes friday at 9320 wake up and its 9460 and pushing down in 30 mins dropped to 9380 but then it stopped and just bounced up and down for a few hours but eventually it spike down to hit the gap same on all the other majors they all eventually hit the gap. I was in the trade but being a first time gap I didnt know where to have a stop or take profits etc and I got in a bit late to.. took some pips of the table so thats better then nothing

EUR - gbp was going for the gap hit it closed and reversed stopped out asap. same with all other pairs they got stopped and it was against the trend

Monday, November 27, 2006

Friday after Thanksgiving no news

In a half day trading and low volatlity with No news on the wires the USD Collapsed. Literally..

EUR - gbp chf yen eur 18:45 borke out next candle doji then the next 3 candle did 150 pips straight up no retraces messed about for 1 hr then did another 20 or so but didnt break out above highs too much

NY - no trades

Thursday Thanks giving

Was thanksgiving and japan was on holiday to.

Broke out long in the gbp at eur and had to wait a few hours to close it out at BE.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday UK BOE CAD CPI

Thanksgiving week holiday
Slow day again with the holidays coming up and markets just lacking volitilty, but the gbp is slowly creeping higher.

EUR - gbp 18:30 went long 2 red candles and then 2 more and got (20) exactly closed before the BOE, spiked down and then back up to get 25 chf same time broke down got (10) same time closed under S2 but then reversed all the way up.

Stuffed up CAD CPI news missed it .. it was a scratch anyway. And then at 23:00 the USD got killed.. It was being sold off all day long but at 23:00 the carry traders dumped and squared off positions before the holidays 100+ pips move in the majors

NY - the break out happend on all pairs at 23:00 there wa no news they all broke out a lil bit after moving up ALL day long. And then they never looked back at all also we had run out of pivots on the GBP by this stage.
gbp 70
eur 70
yen 50
chf 70

Lesson: Double check all news releases times, and holidays times you WILL get exagerated moves so take the risk next time!

Tuesday Cad Retail

There was no euro break outs this week has been quiet with thanksgiving and no US or UK major news

NY had the cad retails and we were looking for longs only

NY - cad the news candle pushed it all the way up the box and closed outside. Took 8 candles to get up to R1 (10) and stop to BE it broke past the pivot but then failed and fell back down and stopped out reversed at 2:45am night before the reverse was 3am chf usd was falling got 10 without spread and bounced of S1 then went to -10 and at 6am got (20) but you woudl have had stop at (BE) after the S1 hit.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday some news

There is no USD news this week but today had some GBP news and CAD news so decided to snatch GBP during afternoon and CAD at night..

EUR - chf 1st candle closed on line then took the next got to 13 so move stop to (10) 2 pips from S1 then slowly went up all night gbp solid breakout after news got to 7 and then stopped tried 3 times failed and slowly came back down got stop Hunted and out by 1 pip! (-30) then it went back up and got 7 again would have def got out at (BE) eur closed on the line fell back down then

Cad news came out bad and I was in a long cad trade before

NY - cad short 30 mins before news got 8 cause of the spread so I never could close with 10 news flipped it (-30) at the top of the box was my stop closed outside 2 candles of retrace then 1 hr later got (18-20) eur short got an easy (10) that was the most of the day

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Housing US

No major euro news but there was enough to snatch it

EUR - gbp at 19:00 when London wakes up there was a fast pop down with a close under but happend real fast got (10) and then bounced off support and the sma was there. But I wasnt paying attention and missed it chf broke out long then hung in 15 pip range for a few hours got (10) before NY opened

Housing came out really bad down 14% the news had no real reaction and did nothing for 30 mins but then it took off and really took off in two hours did 100+ pips on GBP this was the move i was looking for and i missed it i was in a GBP long but closed it cause i was a scared it wasnt moving and then i didnt take any snatches STILL not used to the time difference and i thought it was friday relax dammit

NY - gbp close 1 pip under daily pivot next candle shot straight off 5 huge green candles (70) stopped at R2 chf closed on the line and then fell to the Daily Pivot went to S1 and bounced 5 pips retraced then next candle fell and took faded S2 (60) eur close 1 pip under daily pivot then took off for (30) yen closed under the pivot (55) stopped at S2

These were all text book trades and you sat there and missed them due to fear? The day it was friday, timing, but you were waiting for this move.. The last few days have gotten you scared about the markets.

housing numbers may take a while to develop but there was also news of a fund in trouble dumping usdjpy that caused the big move on that one


Lesson: Ok this morning trades went my way 10 pips after a candle but then they stopped and for 4 candles they messed around 0-10 pips this was a sign the trade didn't develop in my direction and then the news came out good and flipped the trade all the trades pretty much lost -30.

The key was to identify the breakout had failed there wasnt enough volume in it and then we were just playing with a gamble hoping for the news to come out our way. Once that was realised it was time to close the trade for max pips and not a loss.

because remember our stop is 30 pips and gain is 20

So when you'r playing 50-50 with those numbers you WILL LOOSE over time. got it! So close the trade .. a few pips is better then negative pips!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thur UK Retail US CPI TICs Indus

What a day yesterday pretty much confirmed the GBP trend is broken down back t0 8500 the euro is still up though and the chf is trying to reverse but it is holding its 6 month up trend and looking to go back to 2800 today is going to be supper important.

EUR - before news they all broke in the USD up direction gbp got (10) pretty soon then support held for 1 hr news came out good and broke it out to top of the channel and held (-30) it touched the top before it closed but if you took a long on a close then had to wait until NY to get pips then its just pure luck anyway eur also same thing got (9) and hung around there didnt break out then lost 30 chf also (12) same thing but if you held into NY session went to exactly -30 and then bounce and you got your (20)

News was crazy bad cpi spike up and then straight back down, bad tic no spke up just down all over the place.

NY - gbp jumped on CPI close outside long but didnt take it cause the other majors all retraced hard inside this trace lost -30 anyway so good choice to leave it . Then after TICs it made a sell but it is just all over the place and the other news came out straight after it lost no other trades

Lesson: If its before news and it hasnt gone your way a lot just close it don't take the 50-50 risk, the technicals CAN NOT predict the fundamental direction EVER. You have just seen that. So go to BE or close it. Thats it simple.

Wednesday FOMC Uk earnings

took the day off cause it wa a FOMC I knew Uk earnings is out but its normally a weak report and fomc days are just weird and GBP was in no mans land not sure if it wants to go up or down so i took it easy

UK earnings came out mixed and the market sold off

EUR - eur broke out 18:00 went long for 5 pips then hung around and sold off with the gbp got stopped out two candles later (-30) set up a short got 17 and then it reversed for 3hrs and touched the top of the bottom line and now into NY session got (20) with the news release chf broke out 19:30 did nothing for an hour and then got a boost with the gbp sell of and got (40) pretty easy gbp trade of the day sold off on news got a short next candle a Doji perfect then next 4 candles did 70 pips targeting the next pivot got (70) perfectly reversed off that then hung around for next 5hrs in 20 pip range down there


The euro range was pretty big for gbp and chf so that was a sign to stay out anyway

NY - gbp got a sell at 1am flipped next candle and stopped out (-30) then nothing all

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Lots and lots of news today so was going to be a good day.
usd was trending down

CPI was 0.2 v 0.3 for UK and it sold of hard 80 pips ZEW was worst ever but euro didnt care much

EUR chf had close under the daily pivot too it went -10 then 1hr later it gave 12 bounced off the 18sma then flipped and UK news came out bad and EU news good went to the top of the box -30 pretty much but then fell back down and held into NY gbp no trade with the others but then a short after news, i didnt take it opposite to trend and against my previous trades it went to -25 and then slowly fell and gave (20) eur i jumped the entry with a close on the line with the chf time got 13 before it fell after news to the bottom of the channel and bounced still open into NY got (20) after NY news

Had to wait for news to close the other snatches retail came out a bit bad and PPI came out a lot bad so it helped my trades and set up some new ones.

NY - gbp after news other gave a snatch so i took long gbp inside the box though got (10) ** this was not a box trade the gbp didnt break out but the others did so i thought i'd get the most from gbp anyway so went long 2hrs later got a short it gave (15) with spread it was against the trend and then bounced up eur went long broke on a piv break had already done 30 the next candle dojied and down 10 then got my (10) and it reversed chf shorted and it reversed of the next pivot (15) good trade then closed back inside the box at 2am on news trade woudl have lost

Monday GBP PPI

Quite monday in NY but had a ok UK report out the PPI came out a bit bad for the pound.

there was also a Gap on the open on the chf that got filled 20 pips. fell 40 pips after open into asia and then went back up and on Eur open closed the gap on a snatch

I took the day off but I need to start changing this and if there is major news I need to start trading cause it is moving now with any news but only the pair effected.

trend is still up and in fact gbp broke out of yearly highs last week looking for a small retrace so maybe its ok to go short for 20 pips

EUR gbp fell on the news candle got (20) next candle then 20 pip retrace then fell into NY open 30 more pips eur gave a short just after gbp got about 10 of it into NY chf entry same as gbp closed 1 pip above entry and 1 below daily piv next candle just shot up retraced and then slowly gave the 20 pips exactly.

No news at all

NY - broke out at 23:00 - gbp fell at 01:00 and then fell all night till 2 (40) eur started moving straight off the entry candle (20) chf broke at 23:00 and hung around for 3 hours before got (30) at 02:00

Monday, November 13, 2006

Friday No News

There was no news at all but check this out

In the asian did about 60 pips

EUR 19:00 gbp broke to top went to 9130 previous resistance got 10 pips and then fell back and gave a hammer then next candle went 9180 and got (60) pretty much that was the days high few candles later tested it again and then did nothing all day eur broke out at same time and went straight up to 2899 and fell after that all day (30) chf had a close on the line then retrace then next candle broke gave a signal (10) and floated back up

NY - Nothing

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thurs Lots of News

Had a slow week and first day with some GBP news

EUR eur went to 15 after 3 candles and then for 5hrs bounced around and -5 even and then during NY it did get its (20) chf this just fell all afternoon and got (20) before NY opened, i didnt take it though and was trying to ride the trend down into tonights data release and then i got fed up and got 1 pip on the trade it then came back and fell 20 pips 1 second after I got out gbp moved 30 mins after the other two so missed the entry and got in real late (entry with the other guys u'd have gotten (20) it went up 4 pips and then 20 pips range made a double top then .. IR rates came out raised as expected and it fell 50 pips (-30) this trade was a looser whatever happend the only way to describe it

Trade balance came out good for the USD which pushed the pound down more and then the sentiment came 1.5 hrs later and flipped it USD bad.. then 1 hr after that a china man said they are diversifying causeing a 100 pip sell off.

NY gbp after the IR rates had a short but it was against the trend, it went to 17 pips and then flipped and went -20 into the daily pivot and then flipped back down got exactly (20) just before news (so stop to BE or close it with profits) after news it fell to (60) gbp close inside on a push up and got to other side and outside for (40) chf after the 2nd news gave a short but then it reversed and went up -25 pips before slowly coming down I got out (BE) but then 2 mins later it fall (50) eur using hindsight had a long before news that was 5 pips and stopped at (BE) eur short inside the box but target was only (10) and against trend eur long outside the box but (2nd long in same direction hmmmm?) went to -20 for 1hr and then pushed up to get (40)

Lesson: Get out before a expected rate rise cause you dont know what the speech will do OR put a BE stop if you can. If a trade isnt working after 4hrs minimise the loss and try and get out. Start fresh at NY. The chf trade was a mess here was no reason to exit except for FEAR. I then got mad and irrational and stuffed up my lines so missed the GBP. And then I got scared and didnt take the new trade.
OK before news

Wed No news and elections

the Democrats got the House and the Senate is still going but its close and there was no news again so stayed away .. good choice!

EUR gbp got into a long that gave 10 before going to -15 and then a chance to get out at BE and then it fell so (-30) really

NY gbp short (-30) it was all over the place just choppy no real breakouts

Tuesday Melb Cup and election

Major US elections this week and the market has been acting wierd and we are at key support levels for the USD doesnt know what to do.

There was euro news but no NY session news at all.

EUR gbp moved 90 pips in the asian session and thats a stay out warning.. no trades

NY around midnight the USD starting dumping (no news at all maybe Elections?) gbp 9 green candles bout (50) and then ran into resistance and got a doji and it fell back down eur did (30)and got the reversal candle chf (50) with the reversal candle at the same time 2am

Monday Post NFP

Had some euro and gbp news but no USD news plus it was post NFP monday and trend on the 4hr is still up and NFP brought it down to test the trends the pound was still 50 pips from a test everyone else had tested it

EUR gbp it sank during the arvo and got (40) hit a pivot at candle close then went 5 under the pivot before reversing 30 pips up all before NY opened eur didnt follow through went to 10 and then bounced back the rest of the night (-30)

NY no trades

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Friday NFP

Ok so last month we had that bad number of 51k (exp 125) and the previous got revised (125 to 188). And this sent it down.

This week the trend was up but we had hit major top and resistance so we were wondering woudl we get a test to come down or hit the top and break through.

NFP 92k v 125k BUT revised 148k vs 51k as soon as i saw that i knew we were going to go down.

NY - gbp the candle was huge 120 pips that was the first warning, but took it got 7 and then it went up over the next 1 hr to -20 then we got ISM got a spike down to retest lows and it held and bounced back got (10) but I didnt close and got out later with 1 pip, and then it just stood in that 20 pip range chf same thing at ISM same with the chf it stop at the highs it did look it was going to break out further so that's fine stop to BE and get out.

Lesson: Be careful with a big candle, and against the trend, use 5min entry, and conflicting against the revision

Friday, November 03, 2006

Thursday No news

There was no majors news at all today so decided not to trade which was a good choice.the pound lost twice on bouth sides the chf lost the euro lost they all lost cause they just stayed in the range and on the 4hr we are at the end of the uptrend we are hitting 9150 major resistance and with NFP tomorrow will set the direction.

Wednesday ISM

Had a London session scratch news and nothing moved much

Had a gbp buy that gave 10 and then had to wait in a ranging crap until NY to get it but then you're gambling on the news (30) ... eur also had a sell that gave 9 pips and then it lost (-30) or you did have a chance to get out at BE.

ISM came out worst ever and there was the usual spike up and BUT the first 15mins candles hit Option barriers on the CHF YEN and EUR and the GBP hit resistance they all fell back down and the gbp even closed back inside the box. I took chf yen and gbp (for some reason i stuffed up and took this instead of the euro)

The gbp tanked and it lost straight away. The chf and yen gave about 8 or 9 each and then they reversed. The yen and chf all sat at -25 and then I went to bed i set stops to 30 and then limits to 20 pips. 1hr after sleeping it went to BE and even + a few pips and then stopped out asap.

Also I spoke to rob just before this trade and he said he was willing to take it, so I guess this was just a lost that we had to take, pity i stuffed up the gbp though, never jump the gun and get in on the wrong pair!

I also traded too many pairs got greedy and over-excited from the night before I'm sure thats what happend I hate the yen but saw it do 30 last night so i thought I'm doing it again. Go back to basics and stick to chf gbp and eur.. silly boy

Lesson: You cant go to sleep and leave a 1hr trade for a few hours cause the stops arent designed for that

Tuesday Consumber Sentiment

Trick or Treat! We are in a massive uptrend on the gbp and euro so we only take buy moves today .

There was opposite trades today at euro sess on the eur/chf/gbp they gave 5-10 pips then they all lost.

There was no major Euro news that moved anything

News at night was the Con Sent and PMI Chaicago all came out bad for the USD .

There was 40 pip candles on all majors that gave entries and got

gbp - 45
chf - 30
euro - 25
yen - 60

Monday No News

There was no euro session news at all and its a monday i didnt trade

EUR gbp had a long got stopped the next candle (-30)

NY gbp 1.5 hrs before news had a entry long got 30

News was a scratch didnt do anything never got anymore

Friday 27th Oct GDP

There was no Euro news so didnt bother looking at snatch

NY had a buy 1 hr before news but there was resistance 10 pips above

GDP came out bad and sent it flying up

NY gbp very easy 50 pips chf 50 eur 35

Thursday 26th OCT Durable Goods

No EUR session news but there was a gbp long that happend late in the day took an hour but it did get (20)

Durable core came out bad but the non core came out crazy good so the market was confused for a while
evenutally it went the way of the trend UP

NY gbp long took 2 hrs to get (20) and then leaving it going BE got 50


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