My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Big Tuesday - UK CPI & US PPI TICs

CPI -.1 v 0 SNS faster (spread 15) shorted, got ok fill. Held for 30 mins (while it dawdled was also -ive pips) waited for it to come down and hit the pivot and it did that so I got out (4 pips from bottom) Nice 17 pips. It retracted 100% after this. (to general trend of the day) Also because the deviation was not big there was no chance of a retard, get in and get out and hold on a lil longer cause its the GBP so it needs time but dont add more positions unless its a Big deviation.

PPI -.3 v .2 Felix was screwing around with the SNS and it messed up my trade it went up 70 odd pips totally missed it cause was not paying attention.

TICs -75B v -65b reuters faster; GOOD for USD. Spike down and retraced in the same candle and then just marched up and continued going up. No idea. there was a 7B revision and day trend was up; TIC is a shit trading report, like Tom said this report sucks. Use it for a NY sess! Lost 20 pips on this. Was positive for 2 pips!

Took a Nikray long before PPI but screwed up my TPs and I got out too early he was 70+. Also took my own long when I had 7 15m candles dawdling at the bottom piv after news (same with GBP)

Rob said there is offers at 8975 which I saw got rejected and all 4 pairs had been stopped near pivots and were just dawdling (like before) so I went short at 8960 it went back to 75 and took 10 15m candles before it started falling. So in hindsight let it dawdle before jumping the gun ok.
It fell to 8937 pivot and then bounced 10; came down again but the JPY and CHF werent following through so I exited 1 pip from bottom! it then went up!

I didnt follow any NY rules today for some reason I didnt think it could make it that far down/up (AGAIN stupid me!!!) Currencys can move ok!! especially after news like today

ny eur 43 - ny jpy 27 - ny chf 30 - ny gbp 30

Anyway these End Of Day reversal trades seem to be working nice for atleast 20 pips. never get greedy on them ok, keep watching the dawdle effect.

Lesson: Remove all TP/SL before news. Be prepared 5 min before ALL. Lockdown your office. Watch Revisions.


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