My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Spending and CAD GDP

Its never moved and didnt move today; CAD gdp was also on par.

EUR gbp move started 15 mins before 20 trailing stop got (60) but with a BE stop got (100) i didnt take this trade cause just wasnt confident (and had yesterdays trade already) eur close on the box and got (20) with a BE stop got (50) targeting the next pivot

NY eur didnt take it and it didnt work just totally reversed it was going for a 2650 option and it took that out before snatch closed and the momentum died gbp candle was more then 30 and the momentum had died didnt take it and it lost chf outside faded of a pivot didnt take the snatch it lost there was an inside close that bounced off a piv below after 2 candles then went -10 then got (60) with BE stop cad had entry 30 mins before news and got (20) with a stop at BE entering after news would have lost closing inside at 1am also lost or atleast BE.

Lesson: Stick to the snatch rules

Thursday US GDP

UK Houeprices came out strong but pound still tanked big time.

US GDP 2.6 v 2.9 was a scratch and the candle was a chinese finger trap.

EUR gbp with a BE stop it went 120 all night long just needed a 20 trailing stop

NY gbp had a short before news but waiting till after after news entry got (40) even after a 100 pip move eur after news (20) chf got 15 so pretty much it was a looser jpy also got 15

Wednesday UK GDP US Durable

GDP (.7 v .8) and current account balance (-7 v -8) they both conflicted but the GDP won and the price dropped 30 pips.US Durable Goods (-2 v .5) really bad and gave a 30 pip spike but that was it fell straight back down and never went back up after spike.

also had US New Home Sales later at night

EUR eur got 10 then it went the opposite way to the gbp kept going up we stuffed up our stop by 2 pips (got stop hunted) and we had two chances to close at BE but didnt (-23) should have been (0) gbp entry before news got nothing then went our way got (60) before ny open

NY eur had a buy didnt take it and it lost was too late in the day and after news in opposite direction gbp got a sell on the news got 5 and then (-10) was too late jpy had a long after news that lost

None of the NY snatches were due to Durable all due to home sales thats why they all lost.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tuesday IFO US Con Con

IFO came out when we were in a snatch 104.9 v 104 got a 16 pip spike up on the Eur but came back down pretty soon. Trend was down.

Consumer Confidence 104.5 vs 102 gave a small sell got bout 30 pips before retraced is all.

EUR eur had a close on the line taking it got 10 ten before news and needed a stop of 25 then got (70) in to ny gbp gave 10 went spiked up at news and gave (50) before ny open

NY eur enter before news and got (20) after news even shorting on the break of the previous got exactly 20 chf got (20) entry before news and had to wait

Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday F up

messed up. i really stuffed up big time today I broke my wasnt even the money it was the fact i broke my rules (and other ppl made money on MY trade) I even told them when to exit and I didnt exit there it...

today was a no news monday (really a no trade day) and should have taken 15 pips (like i told them) it got to 15 went to -15 then went to 10 and then -35 for me; same with andrew. it was also -28 then -11 and i didnt take it off... how many times has this happend to u .. it never comes back, in fact if this ever happens again with other mistake trades:

take the trade off close as u can and take $200 make it in $10s go to the casino put it on black or red whatever u want. leave at $0 or $400

We tried anaylsing the market saying she'll be right etc.. and the fact remains we dont know jack bout the market; as soon as u stuff up u need to exit this is a rule u seem to have problems with, but i think u learnt the lesson today, but i think greed came into the picture here also and she said it, i got greedy. so did andy and we just kept hoping it woudl give 20 and we kept finding reasons to stay in and justify.. like the good 'ol days or trading.. oh well Lesson Learnt!

Snatch Rules are made as a trade plan now so there is no discretion anymore on the trades its all mechanical trades. 99.99% in fact

EUR gbp (17) with the spread and that was the target cause huge resistance up there and it fell back down and gave a close inside (30) eur got a short had to hold into ny to get (30) NY eur after home sales (15) barely gbp lost if u took it cad outside before news lost inside lost to it then went outside chf outside got 10 pips and messed around after that

Lesson: Can't have people over when you trade simple. Refer to rules for all trades now. Dont ever trade a "No News Monday"

Friday No News

Total no news day

EUR eur got out with 17 right under a piv but it did get (20) 3 cands later gbp went to (20) but i put a stop at 3 and that got stopped out BE also stopped out later, should have taken it off at 20 pips.

NY no trades it was no news.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday CAD retail and Philly

Cad was was a scratch

Philly was off the mark by 14 it gave a 30 pip spike then a 10 pip retrace under a pivot then went up another 30..

EUR gbp (20) sat there for 2hrs holding got out and then goes another 40 pips wth BE eur (15) NY gbp had a buy got 10 but there was a huge pivot ahead and had alreayd done a huge move before close inside the box (20) cad (19) after news chf (40) with a BE

Wednesday FOMC

Was always going to be a range bound quiet day was hesistant to take any trades until FOMC even if there was some

EUR nothing NY eur got (15) if you closed just before the news. gbp the candle was too big but it did get 20 chf (30) if closed before the news

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tuesday CAD CPI US PPI Housing

CAD cpi was .2 v 0 so good for the CAD and is spiked down for 1 min but then retraced and went up 50 pips, to be honest got no idea why but the snatch caught it.

US PPI -.4 v .2 HOusing 1.65 V 1.75 so allround it was bad for the USD. I wasnt here to news trade it.

EUR gbp out (20) BE got stopped eur (20) or (50) if you let it run NY gbp stop was outside no trade but got 20 eur (15) if you took it off just before fomc chf after news (30)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday Trade and TICs

Trade came in -218 v -214 didnt cause a move.
TICs came in 32 v 70 had a before tip from charles so got in got 30 pips but I didnt get out cause expected it to move way more, then ACM shutdown my platform and it fell 50 pips in 20 mins then took 1 hr to clime back up. (the price went where it had to go!)

EUR gbp buy (20) but oanda stuffed us up a bit and we got 14. Then fell isnide for a sell (40) otuside sell (20) eur (17)

NY gbp had a sell that lost but didnt take it cause none of the other majors were following through and reversal candles on most

Lesson: For the snatch if one CCY hits 20 pips take the other off with a BE stop.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Friday US CPI

Came out a scratch and all other reports were scratch

EUR gbp gave a buy but it never went past the initial candle, then gave a sell (30) by trailing 20 or it gave (90) with a BE stop. eur got (75) letting it run with a BE

NY eur (40) but u had to hold into news but didnt get stopped out chf (30) but had to hold before news

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thursday Screw up and UK US Retail

Retail UK was a scratch - spread was 25-50 and I went short 10 secs before and it was a small buy lost about 40 pips on this. Big screw up. Also had a snatch buy before this didnt take it

Retail US was a scratch - also then spiked down a bit and then continued up on a snatch.

EUR gbp (130) with a 20 pip trailing stop eur lost (-30) then outside (30) but rob said dont take a eur short cause of divergance so dont count the loss..

NY eur gave 5 then turned around and went -34 but it bounced EXACTLY of the daily pivot! and then gave (25) gbp you got (20) then it flipped on news dropped 30 and then came back and gave (60) chf had interest so no trade on that but lost 30 if u did ttake but then inside the box got (50)

snatch made 295 pips today.

Lesson: After tommorow no more lessons, cause u've learnt them all.. and the longer you dont take the snatch the more of a fool you are buddy Lesson--> Follow ur lessons! haha

GOAL: I'm buying a Porsche 911 Jan 3rd 2007. If I can't afford it I don't give a fuck I'm quitting forex.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wed No News

Should have taken the day off and I would have except i was stuck with the GBP Short it got down to few pips in profit but I wanted it to come 10 more down but it never did and just bounced up then all day never came back, haven't slept in 40 hours feel like shit.

EUR eur buy but piv 4 pips above held and it faded down never took the trade NY chf long (-30) entered 37 stop at 07 and it bounced off that hmmmmmm

Generally there was NO volume in any of the pairs lots of false break outs

Lesson: Just close the trade next time! Never trade non news days

Tuesday Messup

Started off with the bad info we got on the US trade was up about 20 pips before but thought it was going to follow through. It didnt and I closed 1/2 on the spike when I saw SNS filled at the top then it came back down and I would gotten +30 but then Rob called a short (so i put some more on) and I didnt close my other short. It flew back up and then eventually came back down later the next day.

Rob also made us close a CAD pre news trade based on his info. He was totally wrong.

And I got taken up the ass with the eurchf forgot to put my stops in the right place, was too confident and i didnt take precautioons or profits off.

Lessons: Dont hold into news. Ignore SNS. Ignore Rob.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tue UK CPI US Trade

.4 vs .3 gave a buy. But I was short before from rob that was up 20 pips at one stage but i didnt close then i got slipped on the close -14 GBP went up oanda kept spread for 10 mins but i held on and had a snatch buy but i still closed some way to early. Should have really held on seeing how imp the cpi was.

-68 v -65 trade balance gave a buy had a short before thought it was going to be bad.. lost out .. today was a total clusterfuck.. everything was all over the brokers did a whipsaw. and the numbers were what they were so u shoudl have bought at held. when u hold a trade into news u just get soo attached to it fucks u up.. try not to hold into news.

EUR eur buy but was caused by a terrorist blast and reversed next candle gbp stop was 2 pips inside box but still got (20) or (40) with a trailing stop NY chf (40) jpy (20) eur short (25) with 30 pip stop gbp gave a buy after whipsaw (-30) was just a mess today

Lesson: All trade at 20 pips u put stop to BE. And take half off the table. Fuck this 50 pip shit take 30 and go home

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday UK Trade

Came out .1 worse then expected pound fell about 30 .

Also in a eurchf short from charles and a eurjpy when i saw it break the daily trend and then it came back up and tested it so went short, was up 30 pips but then i got greedy and didnt close got stopped out by a few pips over night

EUR gbp had a buy before news didnt take it (-30) had a inside short hit the other side exactly (30) eur long before 4pm (60) or long after (20) NY yen (40) and still going with BE stop gbp sell but stop was outside didnt work

Lesson: Never trade eurjpy it just sucks

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Friday CAD Employment

CAD NFP -16 v 20 was really bad started at 1.1110 and i got filled at 42 it retraced in same candle and everyone lost mony buti held on cause of tom it got to 1115 low before shooting off to 1200 1 hr later.

EUR gbp (20) out and with a BE stop got (30) eur (20)

NY gbp price got to -30 and then flipped and got (40) with a trailing stop or (60) most eur stop was outside the box; went (15) chf stop was 1 pip in the box got (20) cad trailing stop by 20 got (80) pips

Lesson: Set a 20 pip limit for half. Then trail the rest. It always hits a pivot.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thur no News

EUR gbp entered droped 5 and then the next candle was a full doji (also rob said the entry was 30 pips above) it reversed and news came out technically was stopped out but there was a daily piv 3 pips above and that held perfectly. Entered some more short and it got exactly (20) pips. It then fell another (20) before NY but not before a B stopout.

eur easy (20) pips then it fell (2o) more if had stop at BE.

NY gbp started early still got (40) pips after 8 candles. eur got (20) pips after 7 candles. chf didnt work cause broke out at EUR session time.

Also noticed the NY session is starting at 20:30 so keep that in mind, rob confirmed this also

Lesson: Start watching CHF during EUR. Watch early. Get out HALF with 20 pips and leave the rest at BE ok.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


too pissed off about the acm scam how they fucked me over..bastards got me out of a trade 13 pips below the market... bastards.. son of a bitch bloody bastards.. fuck this shit ,.. bastds,, no way anyway ..

EUR eur it was wierd but end of story (-25) gbp if u trailed the stop by 10 you woudl have gotten (100) into NY where u would have got (60) eur gave up (30) over 12 candles.

also the reason you lost money today .. u dumb bastard.. u keep taking reversals with bigger lots (then normal) instead of following the down trend its a problem u seem to have thinking it will never ever stop there

also stop trading felix news, the guy sucks are trading.. follow or own shit that has been making money

ONLY trade ur own news trades from now on based on toms stuff.. NOTHING ELSE

also the ONLY trades u are ALLOwed to take from now on is a SNATCH u are not allowed to take any other trades...

Lesson: Your a dumb cunt

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday and Monday

Monday was a holiday got pist at bung8 and loft.
Had a 99 veuve vintage. and it was good. really good.. one of the best.. beats the pants of a Loius Roederer crap..also the romeo ey juleita cigars are wicked.. better then mont #4/3

Tues EUR gbp out (25) there was no more pivots! fell (25) more with red candles so just ride it down next time. dont be a pussy.. the eur was at 20 pip loss (and i added more shorts to it, but i pussied out and closed early) then turned and got (30) along with the

NY eur got (20) chf had a 10 pip loss then got (20) gbp got about (50) at max.. with a 15 pip retrace at one stage..

thing was at 5pm all my piuvots had been cleared so i didnt have any exits in place...

Lessons: Dont ever try and date arrogant girls who think their pussys dont smell. They're all bitches. In fact "bitches they come they go" listen to eminem from now on

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Friday NFP

Came at 128 v 135.

And caused a slow (1hr) fall of 75 pip. Because market was expecting a mad number and it wasnt so it dropped. After 1 hour it then 100% reversed

NY euro out (20) in (45) gbp out (60) in (30) chf out (20/50) in (30)

New Trade Plan

1. take the snatches with 40k

2. trade all news as per normal

3. continue trying to get the reversal at the end of the night and fade it for 20 pips

Friday, September 01, 2006

Thur GDP/Income/Spend/ECB Rate

Night before had a GBP fade for 30 pips but I didnt take it. Then in the morning got about 20 again and then ended up loosing when it broke out.

Im getting to greedy and I dont take profits 20 pips. Even though target is 70 move stop to BE atleast and then let it run.

Also I always try to pick big reversals. If its trending up fine reverse but get out with a few pips.

Lots of news today
DE Unemp - leaked 30 pips jump up
GB Confiden - v. Bad GBP spiked for 20 secs and then went on its merry way up EC Confi - Bad no effect
EC Inf - less - flat
CA GDP - 20 pip effect
EU Rate - flat
US Inc/Spe - flat
Trichet Speech - Said vigilince and 20 up

The I got a reversal and made 100 pips but didnt get out at the bottom should have realised it had to stop sometime.

EUR g out (20) e out (20) NY g in (75) e out (-20) in (65) c out (20) in (60)

Lesson: Breakeven Stop. Dont forget about stops on news. Dont need to be in the market all the time.


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