Monday F up
messed up. i really stuffed up big time today I broke my wasnt even the money it was the fact i broke my rules (and other ppl made money on MY trade) I even told them when to exit and I didnt exit there it...
today was a no news monday (really a no trade day) and should have taken 15 pips (like i told them) it got to 15 went to -15 then went to 10 and then -35 for me; same with andrew. it was also -28 then -11 and i didnt take it off... how many times has this happend to u .. it never comes back, in fact if this ever happens again with other mistake trades:
take the trade off close as u can and take $200 make it in $10s go to the casino put it on black or red whatever u want. leave at $0 or $400
We tried anaylsing the market saying she'll be right etc.. and the fact remains we dont know jack bout the market; as soon as u stuff up u need to exit this is a rule u seem to have problems with, but i think u learnt the lesson today, but i think greed came into the picture here also and she said it, i got greedy. so did andy and we just kept hoping it woudl give 20 and we kept finding reasons to stay in and justify.. like the good 'ol days or trading.. oh well Lesson Learnt!
Snatch Rules are made as a trade plan now so there is no discretion anymore on the trades its all mechanical trades. 99.99% in fact
EUR gbp (17) with the spread and that was the target cause huge resistance up there and it fell back down and gave a close inside (30) eur got a short had to hold into ny to get (30) NY eur after home sales (15) barely gbp lost if u took it cad outside before news lost inside lost to it then went outside chf outside got 10 pips and messed around after that
Lesson: Can't have people over when you trade simple. Refer to rules for all trades now. Dont ever trade a "No News Monday"
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