My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Saturday, December 23, 2006

friday US Durable PCE Core

Not much euro news but
EUR gbp long 18:15 gota doji then a reverse and then we bounced back up and got to (10) went to BE and then 2 candles later spiked to 40 chf got out at BE with gbp and then later it got to 20 eur got out at BE and it never went back up past that point
Lots of NY news all of it came out bad for the USD but there was 10 releases tonight so got a finger trap and then sold off for next 2hrs 80 pips didnt take the NY session they all won but it was against the trend and we're in Yuma for GBP
chf is in the touch the 800sma and doign divergence EUR is in YUMA

o.  + 61 (0) 2 9029 2892
f.   + 61 (0) 2 9872 9205
m. + 61 (0) 431 31 69 69
m. + 61 (0) 401 555 444

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday UK GDP Current Account

Looking for any buys GBP was starting to get into a pheonix and got some movement before news

EUR 18:30 eur/chf long then went 3 pips then reversed and stuck in range to top of the box got stop (-30) and (-30) late in the session gbp 18:45 and got (10)-15 pretty easy i set stop to BE and I got stopped out 2 secs before the news and then rebounded up. Just take it off next time

CAD broke out before the news

NY cad short 10 on a spike then then few mins later fell more and got to (20) before news and (40) after eurcad same got to (40) before and then (90) after eur/chf 1am broke out had to wait a few hours to get (10) and then (20) gbp at 2:45 broke short got (30) next candle

Wednesday No news

We just turned into a pheonix phase today and BOE mins and some other news didnt move the market at all

EUR - Nothing
Had some CAD news and I was in a cad short before anyway and I forgot to take the snatch on cad it got 10+ (40 after news) and eurcad got 50+ (and 90 after news) just wasnt concentrating
NY eur sell but then flipped back and up and its doing nothing
didnt take any trades today the market is digesting yeterday 250 pip moves and consolidating

o.  + 61 (0) 2 9029 2892
f.   + 61 (0) 2 9872 9205
m. + 61 (0) 431 31 69 69
m. + 61 (0) 401 555 444

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tuesday Eu IFO US PPI Housing starts

Gbp took off at 18:45 and went up 150 pips straight off every candle IFO came out good and then euro shot off another 30 pips off that Chf had news on it holding it up for 1 hr but then it eventually snapped into league NY broke out at 3:45 all pairs got 20 pips easy in 1 hr.



Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday CHF Rate UK Retal

Before news gbp broke with the trend, chf rate rise as expected statement was dovish so chf reversed and went to top of box.

EUR gbp took two candles got to 25 and then stopped for no reason and reversed (20) it went to 10 and then BE and then -20 eur got to (20) exactly then reversed and slowl came down chf same time short got to 10 bounced of a mid and a 4hr MA reversed then rate rise took it up

GBP retail was 0.3 v 0.0 and shot up 20 pips it hung around and then continued in the trend down

NY sold of early before snatch and it was in a intra-day downtrned all day and with the chf going up

NY - eur on news reversed -25 and then 1hr later it got (20) chf the same as euro (20) gbp short a little later 2 candles later got (20)

Wednesday UK Earnings US Retail

Before news gbp broke down against the trend then news shot it up. No other news, all other breokes broke against the trend

EUR gbp short at 18:00 then it reversed and -20 then (20) eventually eur short by 1 pip then reversed then got (10) chf same time reversed to -10 then got 10 then down a few pips then (20) exactly

US had retail sales came out really good and shot it down eur and chf moved to much fora NY sess trade and the GBP retraced a lot of the move and it was against the trend didnt take it. Moved down for 1 hr and the reversed 75% of the mvoe fast

NY gbp against trend 1hr later hit the pvot (60) eur the stop was exactly on the box and it was against the trend got (20) 1hr later chf stop was outside the box no trade

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Lots and lots of news today so thought it was going to be a good day the pairs are trapped though in their retracement and just muckign around again like crap trend is majorly up but its coming down to making a triangle.

CPI uk was great 0.3 really high.. ZEW was really good too .. market didnt reflect it after initial spikes

EUR eur at 19:00 short went down 5 pips then reversed then 5 candles later shot up on the ZEW got 0-1 pip from stopping out Oanda stopped (-30) gft closed out for a few pips on the US news gbp after news went long got to 10pips and hit daily10sma i realised and rejected tried it again once more and then fell down and closed inside (-30) short reversal and (-30) got stopped. shoudlnt have really take then reversal and original trade (BE)

Trade balance came out awesome for the USD best since 2001! Spike down on news and ten 1 min reversal back to prerelease and never got back down!

NY chf after news long entry by 1 pip got 15 exactly and then stopped on a big candle down (-30 or -20) reversal and got (10 or 20) close outside short reversed off that candle (-30 or -20) reversal got (10 or 20) eur exactly same short after news entry 1 pip (-30 or -20) and reversal got (10 or 20) then close out side by 1 pip and under days high by 2 pips reveresed straight away (-30 or -20) the reversal of this got (10 or 20) gbp long flipped on that candle (-30) stopped exactly on 30 and then went back up 15 pips then crashed down eurcad long after cad news (-30) flipped after the entry cad long after news ran out of pivots and it got to 15 then reversed to BE

Lesson: I closed out the euro short with the news trade long, next if snatch is open LEAVE THE STOP in place cause it never goit hit today and would have been a good trade to leave in.

Monday UK Trade

Was monday after NFP and a slow day as usual. And tomorrow is a FOMC

EUR chf/euf long at 19:00 next candle gave (10-20) and then it reversed gbp broke one candle later got 5 or 6 pips then reversed (-30) reversing got (50) but still didnt hit the other side of the box

NY - nothing

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday NFP

Quiet morning the gbp was trending down last few days and ranges were getting tighter. 20:00 GBP broke out short and got (30) eventually before the NFP.

gbp 2 seconds before NFP got a short and NFP sent it down on a spike 50 pips. Then pulled back after 15mins closed out the box but then shot straight up 100 pip candle closed outside and then got (30) took some time eur close inside and got the long close outside top got (20) but had to wait tim Sentiment chf/yen same as euro

Thursday BOE ECB before NFP

Had UK news and BOE and ECB later on and before NFP

Got my bum kicked..

Eur sess broke out at 18:00 and at 19:00 they all reversed never got more
then 2-3 pips. Just a slow reverse all the way into NY. Never looked back once was a slow decline.

Reversing at -30 took a while but the GBP did evenutally get there, euro and chf never hit the other side reversing and in fact lost.

GBP then gave a short which lost then a reverse which lost

EUR/NY gbp going long (-30) reversing (30) shorting (-30) reversing (-30) called it quits eur long (-30) reverse (-30) chf (-30) and (-30) eurcad long lost (-30) reverse (BE) usdcad long (-30)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wednesday UK Ind Prod US ADP CAD PMI

All the markets moved before the news got 18 on the GBP and then at 19:00 it reversed fully and went to -20 and then hung around 15 mins before news it got to BE and I got out and then it dropped 30 pips in 2 mins.

Ended up with 10 chf and 10 eur before that big move but after the big move got 20 on each. Ind Prod was really bad so we spiked it 1min down hung around for 2 mins and then just fell through the bottom another 30.

NY nothing at all. ADP came out 30K and moved 30 pips down.

CAD broker out before news did nothing for 30 mins and then news in same direction for 20 took its time

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tuesday PMU US ISM

Had with the trend pre news break outs gbp got 20 exactly and the chf and euro exactly 20

During NY had breakouts before news with the trend and chf got 20 and euro got 10 pound never broke. I left them open for news and got my ass kicked BIG time. Slipped majorly by Oanda cause I didnt have my stops

Also got into a CAD short before the IR didnt change and then it just moved up on US news and stopped me out I didnt reverse but the reverse wodul have got 10+10 on the outside.

I stuffed up all day today, just major greed issues trying to make 40000 pips a trade take 10-20 and then just GET Out. Especially if trading AGainst the trend u need to take 20 on the gbp and 10 on the eur and chf its that simple ok

Monday Euro PMI

Not much Euro news a bit and broke out at 19:00 got a quick 20 pips for the gbp and 10 on the eur anc chf all against the trend.

Friday, December 01, 2006


At 17:00 the GBP shot up 80 pips in a few mins on stop triggering.

Then I stuffed up pretty much BIG TIME.

EUR - eur long 18:45 by 1 pip but it was with the trend so took it* got to 8 pips and then retraced back down and down then broke the intradaday uptrend and stopped at (-30) could have put stop under the lows that was a better choice -15 or use the trend at -20. Reverse for the bottom and then PP below (35) chf broke out long got exactly (10) against the trend eur against trend closed out at the end of move got 3 before bounced of PP (BE)

* I went in short on the chf and it got to 1-2 pips and then reversed lost (-30) cause was going of the Eur stop level but the chf moved and if i had a chf stop and reversed then (-20) reverse and (25) I stuffed up big time when you entter the wrong currency its just all over the place and you cant control the trade and I also took a stupid non snatch trade. Learnt my lesson heaps.

CAD news came out good for the CAD saw a huge spike down but then in 5 secs it reversed the part-time jobs were high but the fulltime fell so flipped.

NY - cad before news long 1 second before gft stopped out oanda kept me in after news got (20) eurcad a while later broke long got (30) before usa news after got 100 gbp barely was allowed to go long 2 candles hit S2 (65) eur same (30) chf same (40) yen one candle later (40)

Lesson: Eur should have got to BE. Dont trade the wrong pair cause you miss the entry on the origianl. Set your stops in a good place, doesnt have to be 30 the tighter the stop the better chance of getting the reversal


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