At 17:00 the GBP shot up 80 pips in a few mins on stop triggering.
Then I stuffed up pretty much BIG TIME.
EUR - eur long 18:45 by 1 pip but it was with the trend so took it* got to 8 pips and then retraced back down and down then broke the intradaday uptrend and stopped at (-30) could have put stop under the lows that was a better choice -15 or use the trend at -20. Reverse for the bottom and then PP below (35) chf broke out long got exactly (10) against the trend eur against trend closed out at the end of move got 3 before bounced of PP (BE)
* I went in short on the chf and it got to 1-2 pips and then reversed lost (-30) cause was going of the Eur stop level but the chf moved and if i had a chf stop and reversed then (-20) reverse and (25) I stuffed up big time when you entter the wrong currency its just all over the place and you cant control the trade and I also took a stupid non snatch trade. Learnt my lesson heaps.
CAD news came out good for the CAD saw a huge spike down but then in 5 secs it reversed the part-time jobs were high but the fulltime fell so flipped.
NY - cad before news long 1 second before gft stopped out oanda kept me in after news got (20) eurcad a while later broke long got (30) before usa news after got 100 gbp barely was allowed to go long 2 candles hit S2 (65) eur same (30) chf same (40) yen one candle later (40)
Lesson: Eur should have got to BE. Dont trade the wrong pair cause you miss the entry on the origianl. Set your stops in a good place, doesnt have to be 30 the tighter the stop the better chance of getting the reversal
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