My views on future trades, past trades, the market and lessons learnt

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thurs UK Indus Production BOE CAD NFP

Had a good busy UK calendar but tommorrow is NFP and a holiday though.
Tight range and a break at 2:00 and got into a short full reversal from the entry after dipping 1 pip below next two candles were straight up in 6 candles. UK open did a doji and tricked us out.

Total german headfake. Need to work out why and how this is happened and see if I can do anything about it. Could always just not take them and ignore all trades, because I want to always get out before UK news to.

I doubled up near the top and I was up a few pips on the double shoudl have just closed it there and then when it came back to test its trend.

I got stopped out by 1 pip that was the top my exit was the top price. (-36) But it even gave a snatch long just after that (-30). Then eventually before news fell 20 pips fast and news dropped it another 30 and it stayed down there never came back and then fell another 40 before BOE.

After BOE spike down hard and fast reversed and went up 40 pips and then sold back down and got a snatch short but didn't take it just wasn't paying attention and my lines werent up.

Also need to stop taking silly trades and I'm still revenge trading

also once you

hit the daily target --> walk away


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