Tuesday CAD CPI and yen tips
The yen doesnt follow USD weakness (like the other majors) but it responds greatly to USD strength. there is no retracements, anyway learnt never touch it ever ever again and from now on NO MORE non system trades..
Cad CPI -.2 V -.3 total scratch and I pressed Sell for some stupid reason (it was buy) but the headline came out .1 v -.2 so i got saved and spread was 15 I was up 4 pips but btw the time I exited -2, i got in way before spike but :-) good trade anyway .
Read a report about yen, when USD weakness does come into play Yen is going to be a great short because USD is so strong against it (artficially) it needs to correct.
Lesson: Move the oanda window into main. Only trade GBP and NY rules for the others. No more TA. (Fibs Piv S/R are ok)
gbp sort of (48) eur (20/50) chf (50) jpy (30) gbp (20)
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